Friday, July 10, 2009

Since I've Been Home...

It seems like I was in Africa just yesterday, yet at the same time it seems like a distant past.

Since I have been home, life has been incredibly busy. In a perfect world I would have like to come home and just chill for a few weeks to recuperate and process everything I saw and did while I was in Africa. This is not a perfect world however. I have been going non-stop. For those of you who know me, you know I typically have a lot going on, but this week has been particularly busy. Thankfully I've been working with kind, laid back clients though which is definitely a blessing. In addition to real estate, I've also been working on my upcoming consignment sale and working on advertising for my dad's blog. Honestly, I am exhausted. I never in a million years imagined my first week back would look like this. I've decided that next week am going to not work during day, unless I absolutely have to. I'm going to try to do most everything I have to do at night once the kids have gone to bed.

My kids need me. I must confess that I feel like a very bad mother right now. I was gone for two weeks and then come home and have basically been gone this entire week. I'm so thankful that I have the opportunity to work a bit here and there, but it's just been hard after being gone for so long. I'm definitely taking it easy next week and hanging with my kids. Maybe we'll go to the zoo. I love my zoo membership. I bet the kids at the orphanages would love the zoo. Wish I could take them with me!

Every now and then I've thought about my journey to Africa. I can't even tell how what an incredible experience it was. I've having a hard time reconciling what I do with my life here knowing that there are millions of kids on the other side of the world lonely and parentless and millions more hungry and scared. My life seems so pointless sometimes. Once you've seen the need of those children in Africa, it's hard to forget it. I've got to find someway to help with that need while here in America. The problems in Africa are so large, but quite simple. Kids need parents, families need food, orphanages need training, people need clean water, kids need love, people need God. I don't mean the problem is simple as in easy. But simple as in straightforward. We can ALL do something. At the moment, I'm doing nothing. I feel terrible about that. Those kids need me. They need you. As Christians, God commands us to take care of them. He doesn't say "if you feel like it." Just look up all the verses about taking care of the poor, the orphans, and the widows. It's shocking!

Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by it all. There is so much to be done. How do I decide what I can help with? If I support one organization, then I feel guilty for not supporting the others. I think that is totally Satan's way of getting to not do anything. I think I'll start by sponsoring a child through World Vision. That is so easy, yet at the same time life changing.

Still so much to process. So much to consider.

1 comment:

  1. I love your transparency. And, I love your heart.

    Please don't sweat my blog advertising. It can wait for a week. You definitely need to rest!
